It is our belief that 1-2-1s are important to advance a cricketer’s technique, as everyone has a unique style that can only be nurtured in this type of focussed environment.
Both Kira and Sebastián are available for 1-2-1s, providing in-depth knowledge and understanding of the game, tailoring sessions to individual’s needs and progressing at a rate suitable for each cricketer. Whilst the coaches are able to progress all your cricketing skills, wicket-keepers find it particularly useful to be coached by our professional keeper Kira.
Video Consultation can also be an extremely useful tool to assist in your development as a cricketer. Whilst you may not always have time for 1-2-1s, by supplying footage of your training our coaches can examine technique and provide detailed, clear drills and analysis, customised to your skill level. VC’s are another method available to help continue your growth in your own time, wherever you may be.